Mental Health Awareness
A qualification for anybody with a desire to learn more about mental health
Recommended for everyone who wants, or needs, a high level overview mental health symptoms and causes as well as the benefits of managing mental wellbeing within the workplace.
During this qualification learners will
- explore the symptoms of work related mental health issues
- practice the identification of the symptoms in oneself and others
- learn about the structured ways in which everyone can be involved in deciding upon and making workplace improvements
- focus on causation rather than managing symptoms
- gain an insight into the conditions and the ways in which the workplace is managed to the benefit of all
Assessment - Learners are assessed via verbal and/or written question and answers.

How does this help?
Inform I Motivate I Plan I Implement I Review
This online qualification gives leaders everything they need to manage mental health in the workplace in the same way they manage other occupational challenges.

Mental Health is a personal matter and a workplace issue. This qualification gives leaders all of the information and tools they need to include mental health within existing structures.

We all need motivation, sometimes our motivation is to do the right thing for a person. On other occasions, we may need to do what is right for the business.
In some happy coincidences, the best thing for the business is the same as that which is best for the person.
We look at the cost of losing experienced staff against the cost of managing mental health. The data is clear and very motivating.

Realistic planning, having identified clear objectives makes things happen.
Hatching a plan does not come naturally to everyone, it can be learned and, here, we teach.

We have knowledge and a plan. The implementation stage makes all we have planned happen, be that the workplace adjustments already identified, or lifestyle changes. We cover simple models used by leaders to make things happen.
Having set out our plan and our plan of action, we have a quick look to see if we have achieved all that we wished to achieve, if we did, have the actions had the desired effect? If we didn't do all as intended, no matter, we identify barriers, and replan, making sure they are barriers no more.
Our review will also consider the efficacy of the actions taken and will identify additional control measures, should they be needed.

Make mental health normal
If you are familiar with change management and management systems, much of this is familiar ground.
Making management mental health specific is where the power lies.
You are going to change the world of work for some people, making it a happier place and, possibly more importantly, your wonderful workforce will want to stay. You don't need us to tell you of the benefits of keeping your most experienced staff. You just need a bit of help in making the worklplace meet their changing requirements.